@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「蒸し暑い」 1 2 3 Next 9.20_35.8?47???????"????" 1 2 9.18_35.2℃38%南風朝晩秋... 9.12_26:00AppleEvent夢中... 9.10_25:22Apple Reply"@y4... 34℃48%昨日同様の温湿度#... 8.20_20:02「36.5℃51%」落... 36℃45%保冷剤20分のみ…湿... 1 8.8曇り湿気酷く久しぶり下... 8.10_35℃,11_36℃40%頭痛熱... 37.4℃31%7.17常にサウナ部... 8.1_27(32)℃loudy"This Sum... 37.9℃35%7.12_14:56過去最... 7.8_14:48"29.7℃61%"diffe... 7.6_21:42"32℃52%"限界耐... 7.6_16:39"34℃40%"無風昨... 6.7貴重な晴れ間スジ雲太陽... 1 5.28"お優しいお人柄を感じ... 5.22蒸し暑い熱疲弊中相談... 5.19am蒸し暑い曇りpm急降... 5.7sun14-15:40NHK-FMかけ... Showing 1 through 20 1 2 3 Next