@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「Heat」 9.12_9:20🌞36-44.2℃26ー65%... 2 3 9.7_9:44🌞25/41.5℃26%🪟寝汗... 2 7 8.20_20:02「36.5℃51%」落... 36℃45%保冷剤20分のみ…湿... 1 38.1℃30%15:00_8.4昼37.8℃... 7.15-31連日24h37-39℃全身... 1 6.7貴重な晴れ間スジ雲太陽... 1 18:02_5.17首都圏ネットワ... 11.2_13:55,26.3℃31%Just b... 55 Heat stroke, emergency tr... 45 4.25#BadDay→Week:whole th... 67 4.23Dangerous heat of 2da... 2 88 '22.4.22Dangerous heat 33... 2 77 7.19_15:17#37.2℃危険な酷... 136 38.1℃41%am長崎の原爆の日... 181 36.4℃38%am hotday in sal... 222 暖のここち heartwarming :... 263 肩だしが流行の今夏でした ... 1 1 417 heartwarming :) 〜10月14℃... 6 3 377 太陽と鉄塔、熱中症の中で ... 3 3 545 Showing all 20