@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「梅雨明け」 7.16梅雨明け34℃危険猛暑太... 3 148 8.2_14:43#夏空#夏雲35℃46... 3 216 8.1_10:01 End of the Rain... 3 183 もぅ8月CORONA SUMMER Star... 2 233 久しぶり青空太陽雲、少し... 2 3 403 12:17_6.29.2018もぅ梅雨明... 2 331 梅雨明けも蒸し暑い空 〜ど... 2 2 435 Showing all 7