@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「開封の儀」 5.27_14:16"Good of Apple ... 127 5.27_14:14New iPad Pro 12... 153 11.24到着開封の儀5“Apple... 1 151 11.24到着開封の儀4“Apple... 2 157 11.24到着開封の儀3“Apple... 141 11.24到着その2.開封の儀“A... 148 7.22着23開封の儀■6.20予約... 1 236 7.22クロネコ着23開封の儀■... 2 187 7.22クロネコ着23開封の儀■... 3 268 秋晴れの下で記念撮影 〜St... 2 3 485 Showing all 10