@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「マニュアル」 9:44🌞41.2-36℃29-65%"2024.... 1 1 9.7_9:44🌞25/41.5℃26%🪟寝汗... 2 7 9.15_35.2℃43%連日危険酷... 35℃42%#最晩#酷暑寝不足寒... 35℃39%9.1大安良い日良い風... 3 4 1.1#Hello2023#Goodby2022i... 2 82 15℃31%14:47_12.17(sun)Ve... 35 10.19_19:39通院障害相談夜... 41 9.10_19:01中秋の名月十五... 1 47 '21大晦日の空。良いお年に... 2 60 3.11Peace connect yellow ... 1 53 4.23Dangerous heat of 2da... 2 88 11:07_1.18 1st 1℃old Snow... 30 16 1404 19:42まだバックアップ→リ... 2 420 16:33_1.20Beautiful Sunse... 4 368 唯一1ヶ所だけ出た青空と雲... 2 1 259 12.12#ワンツーワンツーの... 3 278 TZ85(New)←TZ60(3years)〜... 2 429 TZ85(New)←TZ60(3years)〜... 2 1 434 TZ85(New)←TZ60(3years)〜W... 536 Showing all 20