@y4uk's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「ベストショット」 1.2[1.6Last Run]Thank you... 6 1 388 12.14_21:00Santa Fly to t... 5 4 357 12.2_17:48旅先その7.XmasT... 3 255 12.2旅先その5.毎年恒例13... 6 1 345 15:09NHK生中継〜即位祝賀... 1 357 11.2予行は晴れてフル“1区... 1 279 31年ぶり井上陽水x玉置浩二... 3 2 1038 Showing all 7