suga's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「Grumman」 E-2C 601sq 形態変更 455 C... 6 8 E-2C 3454 601sq AEW CTS 2007 5 38 C-2A 162159 NF-30 CV-63 K... 3 82 E-2C 54-3456 601sq CTS 19... 1 57 新緑を背景にE-2C離陸 2 118 E-2C 54-3457 601sq 2 85 E-2C 457の下面 1 68 E-2C 帰投 (1) 3 70 E-2C 帰投 (2) 77 E-2C 54-3458 601sq takeoff 1 57 E-2C 34-3459 601sq NewPro... 1 72 E-2C 34-3460 601sq OKD 20... 3 123 Showing all 12