龍吉's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「天文 星空 小惑星 6478 Gault 彗星 2018Y1 岩本彗星」 19iwamoto0206c41ut1450aut... 117 19iwamoto0206c41ut1450aut... 124 19iwamoto0206c41ut1450aqv... 125 19iwamoto0206c41ut1450aqv... 121 19iwamoto0207stlsht 36 19gault0206c10ut1522avgsd... 33 19gault0206c10ut1522avgsdsx 39 19gault0206c10ut1522avgsd... 31 19gault0206c10ut1522autup... 113 19gault0206c10ut1522autsd... 134 Showing all 10